The District makes decisions about student transfers in accordance with the Putnam City District policy and Oklahoma State law.  

There are two types of transfers:

  1. Intra-District Transfers – A transfer being requested from a parent/guardian for a student who already lives within the Putnam City School District boundaries but is requesting to apply for the student to attend a different school outside the parent/guardian’s attendance zone.  An Intra-District transfer will be reviewed for acceptance but may be denied due to the school being over capacity, a student’s past discipline and/or a student’s attendance history.

  2. Open Transfers – A transfer being requested from a parent/guardian for a student due to the parent/guardian living outside of the Putnam City School District’s residency boundaries.  An open transfer will be reviewed for acceptance but may be denied due to the school being over capacity, a student’s past discipline and/or a student’s attendance history. 

The application for Open and Intra District transfers can be found here.

With the enactment of Senate Bill 783 (2021), the Oklahoma Legislature made comprehensive reforms to Oklahoma’s school transfer laws, namely revising the requirements for accepting and denying student transfers (to expand transfers between public schools) and requiring school districts to set and list enrollment capacities on their websites. Capacity data is determined for each grade level and site within the school district.

Parent Resources

Putnam City School District Transfer Policy can be found in section EE of the Board Policy Manual.  

Oklahoma State Department of Education Transfer Portal can be found here.

Additional information can be found at the State Department of Education's Parent's Guide to Student Transfers.


The District will begin accepting applications for the following school year starting April 1st of the current school year. The District will review the applications in the order they are submitted.  If there is no capacity at the time of application, a student's name may be placed on a waiting list.  Spots will be filled in the order in which they are received. 

The administration will not approve or deny transfers received for the next school year until after the July 1.

Denied Transfer Appeal Process

Currently, there is no appeals process for an Intra-District transfer.

If an open transfer request is denied, the parent/guardian of the student may appeal the decision to the Putnam City Schools Board of Education using this form.

The Board of Education will consider the appeal at its next regularly scheduled board meeting so long as the appeal is received prior to the statutory deadline for posting the Board agenda. The appeal process will be submitted to the Board and will take place in executive session in order to protect student privacy.

During executive session, the Board will review written documentation from the Administration regarding reasons for the transfer denial and information from the parent/ guardian regarding why the transfer should have been approved. The vote to uphold or reject the transfer denial will be held in open session.

If a transfer request is denied by the Board of Education, the parent/guardian of the student may appeal the denial to State Department of Education Board within ten (10) days of the notification of the denial as provided for by law and regulation.

Transfer Capacity

Capacity last updated January 1, 2025.  

The capacity of each school will be recalculated quarterly.  The Enrollment office will verify actual capacity with school at time of transfer request.