2014 Bond Project Update

**This page updated January 2020.
On Tuesday, Aug. 26, 2014, voters in the Putnam City school district approved a $120 million bond proposal to increase student safety, maintain and improve school buildings, ensure that students attend classes in well-equipped learning environments and strengthen school communities. As a result, funds were made available to allow Putnam City Schools to undertake 170 projects across the district.
The largest item included in the bond proposal was the cost of replacing the aging Capps Middle School. Student and staff safety was a big item in the bond proposal, too, with funds targeted toward construction of tornado safe rooms at nine schools. Voter approval of the bond proposal gave the district its first chance to have funds to begin constructing shelter space inside schools or adding on new rooms that can double as safe rooms.
The bond proposal was also big on basics, including funds for textbooks at all schools, computers and other technology for each school, remodeling of restrooms at 16 schools to meet standards of the Americans with Disabilities Act, renovating science rooms at all three high schools, roof replacement and replacement of flooring materials at a number of schools and purchase of new musical instruments and school buses.
The first release of bond funds came in January 2015. Bond funds are issued to the district in yearly increments, meaning funding was or will be available for other projects in 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019 and 2020. In some cases where funding was available, projects have been tackled earlier than originally scheduled. Below are specifics on what projects are complete, in progress or still to come.
Fund Release 1
January 2015
Elementary Schools
New media center/storm shelter at Lake Park Elementary
New media center/storm shelter at Windsor Hills Elementary
New early childhood education center/storm shelter at Hilldale Elementary School
New roof, heating and air-conditioning unit replacement at Rollingwood Elementary School
Middle Schools
Purchase of property for a new Capps Middle School
Installation of softball bleachers and fencing at Cooper Middle School
Replacement of sewer line and relocation of gas meter at Hefner Middle School
High Schools
Re-roof remaining portions of first floor at Putnam City High School
In Progress
Safety and security
Roof maintenance
Fine art/athletics uniforms
Musical instruments
Student desk and chairs
Food services equipment
Heating and air-conditioning repair and replacement
Fund Release 2
January 2016
Elementary Schools
New stage curtains at Kirkland Elementary
New stage curtains at Northridge Elementary
Replacement of chipped, bubbling gym floor with durable synthetic surface at Rollingwood Elementary
Kitchen renovation at Western Oaks Elementary
Playground resurfacing at Lake Park Elementary
New walk-in freezer and refrigerator at Northridge Elementary
Repaving of west parking lot at Kirkland Elementary
New stage lighting and sound system at Kirkland Elementary
New stage lighting and sound system at Rollingwood Elementary
New stage lighting and sound system at Tulakes Elementary
New stage lighting and sound system at Windsor Hills Elementary
Middle Schools
Hallway renovation at Hefner Middle School
New roof at Mayfield Middle School
Exterior restoration at Mayfield Middle School
Kitchen renovation at Western Oaks Middle School
New kitchen roof at Hefner Middle School
New roof over auxiliary gym at Western Oaks Middle School
High Schools
Security fence at Putnam City West
New roof for science building at Putnam City High School
Football field improvements at Putnam City North
Football field improvements at Putnam City West
Gym renovation at Putnam City High School
Scheduled Summer 2020
Renovation of stadium locker areas that serve football, soccer, track at Putnam City High School
In Progress
Safety and security
Roof maintenance
Fine art/athletics uniforms
Musical instruments
Student desk and chairs
Food services equipment
Heating and air-conditioning repair and replacement
Fund Release 3
January 2017
Elementary Schools
Replace stage curtains at Ralph Downs Elementary
Drainage improvements at Hilldale Elementary
Bleacher replacement at Hilldale Elementary
Replace stage curtains at Hilldale Elementary
Replace stage curtains at Lake Park Elementary
Replace stage curtains at Northridge Elementary
Replace stage curtains at Tulakes Elementary
Replace stage curtains at Wiley Post Elementary
Replace stage curtains at Will Rogers Elementary
Replace stage curtains at Windsor Hills Elementary
Construct parking lot at front of Tulakes Elementary
Drainage improvement at Kirkland Elementary School
New elevator controls at Northridge Elementary
Bleacher replacement at Kirkland Elementary School
Bleacher covers at Lake Park Elementary
Bleacher replacement at Northridge Elementary
Bleacher replacement at Tulakes Elementary
Bleacher replacement at Windsor Hills Elementary
New sidewalk on east side of Wiley Post Elementary
Scheduled Summer 2020
New permanent walls to replace partitions at Northridge Elementary
Electrical upgrade and intercom at Tulakes Elementary
Replace three sets of doors and windows at Wiley Post Elementary
Middle Schools
Replace stage curtains at Mayfield Middle School
In Progress
Begin construction of new Capps Middle School (to include storm shelter)
High Schools
New baseball press box/new dugouts for baseball and softball at Putnam City North
In Progress
Safety and security
Roof maintenance
Fine art/athletics uniforms
Musical instruments
Student desk and chairs
Food services equipment
Heating and air-conditioning repair and replacement
Fund Release 4
January 2018
Elementary Schools
Replace stage curtains at Apollo Elementary
Replace stage curtains at Coronado Heights Elementary
Replace stage curtains at Rollingwood Elementary
Bleacher replacement at Coronado Heights Elementary
Bleacher replacement at James L. Dennis Elementary
Bleacher replacement at Rollingwood Elementary
Water line replacement at Coronado Heights Elementary
Rest room renovation at James L. Dennis Elementary
Still to Come
New doors and windows at Apollo Elementary -Scheduled Summer 2020
Rest room renovation at Coronado Heights Elementary -Scheduled Summer 2020
Playground resurfacing at James L. Dennis Elementary -In Progress
Water line replacement at Rollingwood Elementary
Middle Schools
Heating and air unit replacement for Hefner kitchen
Cafeteria renovation at Hefner Middle School
Storm shelter at Cooper Middle School
Still to Come
Rest room renovation at Hefner Middle School Scheduled Summer 2020
High Schools
Still to Come
Replace exterior doors and windows at Putnam City North
New weight room and storm shelter at Putnam City North High School - In Progress
In Progress
Safety and security
Roof maintenance
Fine art/athletics uniforms
Musical instruments
Student desk and chairs
Food services equipment
Heating and air-conditioning repair and replacement
Fund Release 5
January 2019
Elementary Schools
Replace stage curtains at Harvest Hills Elementary
Bleacher replacement at Harvest Hills Elementary
Bleacher replacement at Overholser Elementary
Bleacher replacement at Western Oaks Elementary
Install bleacher covers at Wiley Post Elementary
Acoustical treatment for Windsor Hills Elementary cafeteria
Add door from main foyer to cafeteria at Overholser Elementary
Rest room renovation at Harvest Hills Elementary
New heating and air units for gymnasium at Overholser Elementary
New heating and air units clinic and office at Wiley Post Elementary
In Progress
Storm shelter at Ralph Downs Elementary
Still to Come
Rest room renovation at Apollo Elementary Complete
Rest room renovation at Rollingwood Elementary Scheduled 2020
Construction of new car loop on school grounds to remove congestion from surrounding streets at Apollo Elementary
Security door at Ralph Downs Elementary Complete
Security lighting at Ralph Downs Elementary Complete
Replacement of carpet in library media center, front entrance gallery at Ralph Downs Elementary Complete
Rest room renovation at Overholser Elementary Complete
Pave school walking track at Overholser Elementary scheduled Summer 2020
Electrical upgrade at Wiley Post Elementary
Electrical upgrade at Will Rogers Elementary
Resurfacing of playground and east parking lot at Will Rogers Elementary Scheduled Summer 2020
Middle Schools
Replace stage curtains at Western Oaks Middle School
Install bleacher covers at Mayfield Middle School
Install bleacher covers at Western Oaks Middle School
Heating and air units in east wing of school at Mayfield Middle School
Still to Come
Rest room renovation at Mayfield Middle School Scheduled Summer 2020
Rest room renovation at Western Oaks Middle School Scheduled Summer 2020
High Schools
Brighter, more energy-efficient lighting for tennis courts at Putnam City North
New wind screens for tennis courts at Putnam City North
Lighting improvements for Performing Arts Center at Putnam City North
Create new gymnasium entrance and storm shelter on north side of Putnam City High School
Renovation of visitor basketball locker rooms at Putnam City High School.
Upgrade of electrical system at Putnam City West
New, more efficient lighting at Putnam City West
Still to Come
Rest room renovation at Putnam City High School In Progress
Remove old kitchen to transform two cafeterias into one at Putnam City High School Scheduled Summer 2020
New permanent walls to replace partitions in pods at Putnam City North
Performing Arts wing addition/storm shelter at Putnam City North
Create new gymnasium entrance on west side of Putnam City West In Progress
Renovation of science rooms at Putnam City West
District Buildings
Still to Come
Construct Centennial Center for teacher professional development, administrative offices
New roofing under the cooling tower at Putnam City Center
In Progress
Safety and security
Roof maintenance
Fine art/athletics uniforms
Musical instruments
Student desk and chairs
Food services equipment
Heating and air-conditioning repair and replacement
Fund Release 6
January 2020
Elementary Schools
Replace main water line at Windsor Hills Elementary School
Replace carpet in hallways at Tulakes Elementary with quiet, no-skid, no cleaning, no wax solid surface floors
Electric upgrade at James L. Dennis Elementary
Rest room renovation at Northridge Elementary
Still to Come
New doors and windows at James L. Dennis Elementary Scheduled Summer 2020
Replace glass panels with aluminum panels at Harvest Hills Elementary Scheduled Summer 2020
Construction of permanent walls to replace classroom partitions at Lake Park Elementary
Reface folding partitions at Northridge Elementary In Progress
Rest room renovation at Wiley Post Elementary Scheduled Summer 2020
Rest room renovation at Windsor Hills Elementary Scheduled Summer 2020
Rest room renovation at Western Oaks Elementary Scheduled Summer 2020
Construct a car loop at Overholser Elementary to reduce traffic congestion on streets near the school
Middle Schools
Renovation of running track and construction of football storage building at Cooper Middle School
New exit and emergency lights at Hefner Middle School
Move electrical gear out of basement at Mayfield Middle Schoo
Still to Come
New flooring for classrooms at Hefner Middle School Scheduled Summer 2020
New exit and emergency lights at Hefner Middle School
Replace elevator equipment at Western Oaks Middle School Scheduled Summer 2020
High Schools
New elevator in Science Building at Putnam City High School
New elevator controls in main building at Putnam City High School
Stage rigging upgrade Putnam City West
Additional dimmer panel/electrical re-circuit for PAC at Putnam City North
New Water Service at Putnam City North
New Water Meter and Associated Plumbing at Putnam City High School Complete
Still to Come
Flooring at Putnam City High School
Renovate Old Kitchen to Cafeteria Space at Putnam City High School Scheduled 2020
Relocate Kitchen to East Commons Area at Putnam City High School Scheduled 2020
HVAC RTU's, Boilers and Controls at Putnam City High School In Progress
Science Room Renovations at Putnam City High School
Renovate Restrooms at Putnam City North
Science Room Renovations at Putnam City North
Cafeteria Expansion / Storm Shelter and Serving Line Renovation at Putnam City West - In Progress
Renovate Restrooms ADA Putnam City West
Renovate Media Center / Counsel. Office Remodel Putnam City West
Extension of East Lot to Back of House Putnam City West Scheduled Summer 2020
Renovate Existing Basketball Locker Room Putnam City West In Progress
District Buildings
Still to Come
Convert district administration building into an Early Childhood Center for pre-kindergarten students
In Progress
Safety and security
Roof maintenance
Fine art/athletics uniforms
Musical instruments
Student desk and chairs
Food services equipment
Heating and air-conditioning repair and replacement