At Tulakes, we provide a learning community committed to the highest quality of education for every student. Our curriculum provides relevant and rigorous learning activities for all students in the areas of language arts, math, social studies, science and fine arts; creatively integrating technology throughout the learning experience. Our highly qualified teachers work diligently to meet the individual needs of each student so that they have the opportunity to achieve their fullest potential in school.
Our teachers know what it is our students need to learn and provide high levels of instruction. We have instructional specialists in the areas of music, art, physical education, P.E.A.K., Title I, ELL, Special Education, Media and Counseling who work collaboratively with classroom teachers, providing a school-wide learning environment for all students.
We look forward to creating a partnership between home and school. Communication is essential and we will do our best to keep you informed.
As Tulakes Twisters, we are here to ACHIEVE!!